More Able Pupils (and how to support them)
At Epsom Downs we value all children equally and endeavour to ensure that every child should have the opportunity to realise his / her potential in a challenging and supportive environment. At any time we will have talented or gifted pupils, some of whom may be exceptionally able and this may be in one or more areas of learning. To us, challenging children is fundamental to developing their abilities in a range of different areas.
We believe that we can make a difference in enabling these pupils to achieve the greatest possible progress and recognise the value and importance of identifying and celebrating their achievements and successes. Working alongside parents to support our more able pupils will help ensure a high quality provision is provided to extend their learning.
As a staff team, we have made great strides in identifying children with a range of different talents in a variety of subjects and in doing so have created a gifted and talented list of children. This list is discussed and updated regularly and shared with all staff. We strive to ensure children with such talents are given the platform in which to develop these further.
The following guides have been written by our subject leaders to support parents in challenging and stretching their children. Please click on a subject to find out more.
Art | Computing | D.T. |
English | Geography | History |
Maths | Modern Foreign Languages | Music |
P.E. | P.S.H.E. | R.E. |
Science |
We have been awarded the NACE challenge award. This Award is given for high quality work by the whole school, teachers and governors, in challenging all pupils, including those with high abilities, to achieve their best.
To find out more click here
Please contact Mr Gary Heath if you have any questions.