Year 3
The Year 3 classes are Wagtails and Robins.
To ensure a smooth transition from KS1 to KS2, we have created a special classroom unit for the Year 3 children, with direct access to the KS2 playground. This ensures that children can focus on their learning but also socialise with their older peers at break and lunchtimes.
In the autumn term the curriculum retains some elements of KS1 before moving onto the more formal lesson structures of KS2. Teaching and learning throughout the year are arranged in a series of themes, with children building their research skills and the ability to think broadly around topics. Topics include: The Stone Age, The Wizarding World, Crazy Inventions and the Romans. To aid the children’s learning experience of these themes we will be taking the children on exciting trips/participating in workshops.
Reading is a primary focus, combined with an emphasis on outdoor learning and creating a challenge culture for all children within the curriculum. Basic skills such as spellings and timetables are also focused upon strongly, with Year 3 children learning 3s, 4s and 8s. Children spend time on Mathletics and Times Tables Rockstars which support maths development through a series of fun, computer-based activities.
Most children make the transition from KS1 to KS2 smoothly, however, if you have any concerns or would like to know more about the curriculum please book an appointment to meet with your child’s class teacher. Progress and development will be discussed on a termly basis at the Parent Consultation evenings.
New to Year 3 Meeting June 2024