Epsom Downs Primary School & Children's Cnetre

Our vision for sport

At Epsom Downs we strive to create a culture which inspires an active generation. This is achieved by nurturing the athlete within each of our children by building on the passion for PE that all our members of staff hold to support the children in making happy memories, whilst also gaining life skills such as, resilience, empathy, communication and teamwork. We ensure age-appropriate vocabulary is being used to ensure a depth of understanding is developed. We believe this culture supports the children in making life-long positive choices regarding their health and well-being.

As part of our vision, we have several sporting extra-curricular activities led by teachers or our sports coaches. These have helped to build the children’s passion and excellence in particular sports resulting in our children  representing the borough and competing at inspire events. With these sports we have been able to compete in matches against other local schools.

To further embed the longevity of an active lifestyle within our children, we work with local and national elite athletes to hold engaging workshops for our children and sports specific training for our staff. Through these workshops we aim to find the activity that every child is passionate about from skipping, to BMX riding and gymnastics.  

We also hold a bi-annual sports week in the summer term, which includes a sports day and family picnic at our off site sports field, Headley Drive. This week involved children working in teams with children from every class across our school to compete in different actives and be active in every lesson.