Policies & Forms
In this section we include policies and other information that may be of interest to parents and the wider community. If there is a policy not listed that you would like to see you can request a copy from the school office.
Rainbow Unit Nursery Admissions Policy 2024/2025
Allegations of Abuse against Staff 2023/2025
Anti-bullying policy 2023/2025
Behaviour and Relationship Policy 2023/2025
Behaviour Principles - Governor's written statement 2023/2025
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2024/2025
Data Protection Policy 2022/24
Disciplinary and Capability Procedures 2023/2025
Emergency Closure Advice for Parents and Carers 2023/2024
Foundation Stage Policy 2024/2025
Health and Safety Policy 2024/2025
Online safety policy 2024/2025
PACE Framework Policy 2024-2025 (replacing previous Teaching and Learning Policy)
Equality Information and Objectives Policy 2024-2028
Remote Education Policy 2024/2025
Staff and Adult Code of conduct 2024-2026
Whole School Provision Map 2024/2025
Epsom Downs policies shall remain in force and effect until reviewed and updated by the governing body. Reviews will be undertaken as per statutory guidance or as deemed necessary due to changes in legislation, school procedures, or other relevant factors.